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Mastermind Market Making Feedback
Thank you for participating in our boot camp!
Tell us what you thought about it.
Please rate the overall quality of the online course
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedExtremely satisfied
How satisfied were you with the course content?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedExtremely satisfied
How satisfied were you with the course content?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedVery SatisfiedExtremely Satisfied
Please rate the clarity and effectiveness of the course materials an resources
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedVery convenientExtremely satisfied
How would you rate the instructor's knowledge and expertise in the subject matter?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedVery convenientExtremely satisfied
How engaging and interactive was the course?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedVery convenientExtremely satisfied
How would you rate the course's value for the price paid?
Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedVery convenientExtremely satisfied
Were the learning objectives clearly defined at the beginning of the course?
How would you rate the course's pacing?
Did you find the course platform user-friendly?
Were there any technical difficulties or issues you encountered during the course?
Would you recommend this course to others?
Overall, how likely are you to enroll in another course from us in the future?
Not likelySomewhat LikelyLikelyVery LikelyExtremely Likely

Thanks for your feedback!

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