Here we offer you a newsletter of current events, upcoming dates of significance, commentary on seasonality of a wide array of asset classes and cycle analysis to help you gain a deeper understanding of money-flows across all sectors. Fundamental Analysis is a great way to add depth to your technical charting. From the outset of going Live and becoming a public figure in the cryptocurrency space, AXiS ALiVE has dreamed of sharing his skills and knowledge to his base by educating people on technical analysis and other methodologies garnered from nearly a decade of studying global trends.

"AXiS ALiVE" Owner
Education: UW-Whitewater BA Multimedia & Digital Arts, Minor in Philosophy
Skills: Live Streaming and Public Speaking, Charting for Social Media, Cryptocurrency Mining, Cryptocurrency Trading, Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Graphic Design, Video Editing
AXiS ALiVE started in cryptocurrency during the great parabolic bull run of 2017. After discovering mining in March of the same year, he and a partner decided to build their first mid-sized mining operation. Planning began in quarter three and construction of the facility began in the fall of the following year. After accumulating mining hardware during the bear market, the business finally opened in January of 2019 and the company mined cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Siacoin for the remainder of the cycle.
During that time AXiS met his Mentor "The Contrarian" who ran trade for the Chicago Board of Trade for 34 years before retiring during the 2008 Financial Crisis. The Contrarian saw the opportunities in crypto due to the wild swings in volatility and asked AXiS why bother mining when so much success could be gotten from using crypto as a trading instrument.
So, for the next 4 years the two shared ideas on the old and new ways of the markets and technology. During that period leading up to the great crypto bull run of 2020, they stumbled upon some new cryptocurrency opportunities that would end up changing the game of finance forever.
In 2021, AXiS sold his mining operation in May at the $64,000 Bitcoin top. With the overhead and liabilities out of the way, he took his education into the markets and began mastering technical analysis on a wide array of asset classes. During this time he became more involved in the HEX cryptocurrency community by being a content creator for YouTube and Twitter and built a modest following throughout 2021 and 2022.
AXiS' approach has always been the same. Be open and honest with people about the opportunities and pitfalls of emerging technologies so that the market can adapt and evolve at a faster pace. After years of studying and executing in the crypto markets, AXiS ALiVE decided to create a full scale education platform to help others find the resources and information that is not so easily available or reliable out in the wild.
With a little bit of work and the support of a growing community, we welcome you to the platform where you will find value and knowledge to tip the scales of success in your favor.